Recent content by Nivek

  1. Timeline-85: REDUX | An alternate rendition of Warner Bros. and pop culture as a whole

    Not at the time,that was 2004(when all already drained warner to survive) and satellite internet was underdeveloped, meaning zero interest by anyone,so AOL might be independent and just go under
  2. If World War II Never Happened: A FIFA World Cup Timeline

    Butterflies doesn't like the french xd
  3. And now rooster teeth is dead

    And now rooster teeth is dead
  4. AHC: Rashidun Wank (644 PoD)

    I was thinking about fustat/Cairo too, Aleppo , Antioch or a port in sham/Palestine are options too As mentioned above, Aleppo or a levant/sham port could work
  5. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    I think as easy Charles the usurper could have gotten killed but that was secondary against the siege of Toulouse against Odo
  6. WI: Second Arab Siege of Constantinople (717-718) succeeds

    Regardless wakobear is very expert on naval matters but something I would say... France is irrelevant vs the richer Italy and tolouse was to punish the double crossing odo so here the focus would be South France and then Italy, the Austrasia and neustrasia would be secondary
  7. Timeline-85: REDUX | An alternate rendition of Warner Bros. and pop culture as a whole

    Because Murdoch didn't care about the internet company Know why warner bought AOL? Time Warner cable internet, fox at the time was investing on satellite on Europe, not the USA
  8. Battle Royale: The Last Generation Of An SNES-CD Saga

    I think the sequels works the best because how rigid it was the old code but another one would take inspiration for orthodox churches that priest did have family but become more hermit and celibate once got promoted, plus the implication force users have longer lives that non force sensitive...
  9. Battle Royale: The Last Generation Of An SNES-CD Saga

    Mostly as he become more open to friendly advice, especially as that helped massively to tpm and aotc, meaning less jaded,plus having a singular vision help massively the sequels
  10. Could Austria-Hungary have survived Post-ww1?

    those are a myth, it took a lot of external pressure, now the post war ausgleich would be interesting
  11. WI: Umar ibn Hafsun defeats the Umayyads - Mozarab/Muladí Al-Andalus

    Yeah that's the meat any TL, and what come next
  12. WI: Umar ibn Hafsun defeats the Umayyads - Mozarab/Muladí Al-Andalus

    Yeah but i think war with austrias and navarre will come next, to recover lost land and getting the gears ready for legitimacy
  13. Could Austria-Hungary have survived Post-ww1?

    With victory of course, the wolves who wanted to dismeber it(italians, romanians, serbians and other ans) would be subdue/neutralized.
  14. WI: Umar ibn Hafsun defeats the Umayyads - Mozarab/Muladí Al-Andalus

    Yeah without a precise path, the butterflies would be everywhere, and even the ummayds did keep their own translation movements(and got even greek books and scholars from the ERE too), so is up what the Hafsun do. They could do the same with Latin Texts too