Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR

I also did a quick look up on Malenkov, he attacked Zhukov during and after WW2 so I think that would leave some grudges between them if he became Premier...
That could be interesting to play with though. But you are right, it’s probably for the best that Malenkov doesn’t gain the Premiership in that case, will be changing my vote to Voroshilov.
That could be interesting to play with though. But you are right, it’s probably for the best that Malenkov doesn’t gain the Premiership in that case, will be changing my vote to Voroshilov.
Here's what's the wiki mentioned:
Shortly after World War II, Malenkov sided against several who were considered Soviet war heroes, among them Zhukov, Rokossovsky, and several other popular generals. Malenkov's accusations against Zhukov were mostly based upon allegations of counter-revolutionary behavior and selfish "Bonapartism". Soon Zhukov was demoted in rank and moved to a lower position in Odessa where his only foes were local Party forces. Zhukov had his first heart attack not long after, and Malenkov's concerns about him largely faded.


1. Please choose who should be next Premier of the Soviet Union following death of Joseph Stalin:
C) Kilment Voroshilov
2. Please write down who should replace Nikolai Shvernik as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (the titular Soviet head of state)?
Nikita Khruschev
1. Please choose who should be next Premier of the Soviet Union following death of Joseph Stalin:
A) Georgy Malenkov
B) Vyacheslav Molotov
C) Kliment Voroshilov
D) Nikita Khrushchev
E) Nikolai Bulganin
F) Lazar Kaganovich
G) Anastas Mikoyan

2. Please write down who should replace Nikolai Shvernik as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (the titular Soviet head of state)?
1) C.
2) I concur with the rest who desire to curtail Khrushchev's rise to power.
Oh guys I just realized that by this time the red scare was going on in the USA and it’s only will be one year before it stops by 1954 so expect a lot of anti communism blowback from the people as their president was friends with Zhukov and that means to them he’s a COMMUNIST
Also, the vote on next General Secretary is closed - Georgy Zhukov wins the vote!
The post of General Secretary was abandoned in 1932, as the new Party statute was adopted. Since then Stalin was not General Secretary, but "a" Secretary, one of several Secretaries of the Central Committee. Khrushchev had to reintroduce the post in 1953 (renamed "First Secretary"), as a counterbalance to Premier powers.
1. Please choose who should be next Premier of the Soviet Union following death of Joseph Stalin:
B) Molotov
2. Please write down who should replace Nikolai Shvernik as Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union (the titular Soviet head of state)?
Anastas Mikoyan
The post of General Secretary was abandoned in 1932, as the new Party statute was adopted. Since then Stalin was not General Secretary, but "a" Secretary, one of several Secretaries of the Central Committee. Khrushchev had to reintroduce the post in 1953 (renamed "First Secretary"), as a counterbalance to Premier powers.
Good catch
Oh and guys we should also connect with the sydincalist so we can spread syndicalism as a alternative to communism as to well even the odds of reforms and ideology
That'd be cool. Leftist unity and all that. Though I'm not sure how many syndicalist movements are around at that time. Might still be some reminanta of the CNT-FAI but event thats a fleeting doubt.
Also, the vote on next General Secretary is closed - Georgy Zhukov wins the vote!
I like where this is headed. Zhukov wouldve been my vote for storylines sake. In reality though I doubt he'd be considered by the political elite of the party, fear of potential Bonapartism and all. Regardless he has the admiration (love?) of the entire Red Army at his disposal. With the political backing of the Central committee, this TL's USSR has quite the monster on its hands.
My prediction: This game's Zhukov eventually coups the government and goes on a conquest spree
Honestly, I'd like to lessen on heavy industry by supporting consumer goods since we not just need to rebuilt and supply our war torn cities and population but also in our Eastern European puppets as well.