Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

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Because the Previous three threads all reached 10000 posts, the time to continue them in a vast, empty (for now), new one has come again.

If your'e into current politics, it has it's own thread now.

The Obligatory 1st Thread Quote:

Every Wikipedia on a war or battle has the belligerents, date, outcome, etc. in an info box on the top-right corner of the page, and most people pages have biography sections. The idea behind this thread is simple: edit the infoboxes so that the outcome of a major conflict is different, as if the infobox is from an alternate world.

To do this, simply click the edit option for the article (or, if it's locked, hit "view source"), change the infobox, hit preview*, and take a screenshot.**

*Make sure you don't save your changes to the article.

**[NOT PRESENT IN THE ORIGINAL: Alternatively, you can copy-paste the infobox into the Sandbox and take a screenshot.]

In some cases, the infobox will be separate from the article (I.E. You will see {{WW2Infobox}}). To access this info box, simply type "Template:kissingheart:Whichever one you're looking for*" into the Wikipedia search bar.

And yes, the title has no Roman Numerals. Somewhere in the Multiverse, there's a bloody flame war waging between people who use IIII and people who use IV.

EDIT: Added the First Infobox

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More from the Lockheed-Martin party universe.

An unholy alliance of socialists, the (white) working class, northeastern machine politics, Midwestern and Appalachian working-class rage, disgruntled veterant and the odd old-school paleocons, the AFL-CIO-IWW is the dominant party in the United States.

After the fall of the German Empire in the 1980s under Boeing President Scoop Jackson, and the end of the Cold War, the party started ditching its interventionist wing in favor of isolationism, culminating to the 1998 Hartford Statement of Principles on the War in Yugoslavia.

The party's grip on power (they won every election since 1984) has been steadily weakening in the 21st century, with Lockheed-Martin and Ford Motor Cooperatives outflanking them on the left and right achieve a divided congress with no majority. With none of the three parties willing to form a coalition, the deadlock is projected to last until at least 2018.

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I'll put in the image when I get home, but I wanted to make sure I got on the first page get this out as quickly as I could - this is a follow-up to the Ferdinand Marcos box.

Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 2.png
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2016 Election
Presidential Election

2016 US election infobox.jpg

2016 US election map.png

Following Sanders and Trump victory in the primaries, the selection of their VP's (Gabbard and Pence respectively), and the conventions, which ended with Sanders polling 15 points ahead of Trump, the presidential campaign began. Sanders spent most of the time doing town hall events, he visited numerous red states and made sure that he spoke to republicans and other conservatives, he was able to devout much of his time doing these familial events thanks to his campaign's reliance on small donations instead of big donors.
Trump relied on rallies, however as he began to criticise Bernie as a communist, and a cook he began to loose support in the polls as many of his supporters began to warm to Bernie and some even announced that they would vote for him, even before the release of the 2005 Access Hollywood tape, he began to loose support. Pundits credited this to the fact that instead of criticising Trump for what he said, Bernie attacked Trump as an oligarch with nothing to offer the American people but divisive rhetoric.
The biggest threat to both campaigns was a third party run by former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg. However just before the conventions Bloomberg announced that he wouldn't be running, he stated a lack of funding or ability to run a coherent campaign this close to the election. In reality numerous Donors had been pushing for Bloomberg to run, it was only when Bill Clinton called on them to stop the run and endorse Bernie did the Donors relent.
At the debates, with Gary Johnson polling at 7 percent (Jill Stein and the green party had endorsed/nominated Bernie Sanders) and the majority of Americans wanting a third party represented at the debates, Sanders pushed for the inclusion of Johnson, Trump was against it though. Eventually the Commission on Presidential Debates relented and included Johnson following the pressure.
At the three debates, Sanders and Johnson attacked Trump for his views on immigration, with Bernie saying that "Trump offers false solutions that will solve nothing, because he is a part of the problem," Johnson attacked Trump for his crony capitalism. Bernie and Johnson also got into an argument at the third debate over campaign finance reform, they also argued about foreign policy, all the while Trump just made faces and kept trying to interject. Over the three debates most people polled awarded Sanders a massive victory over Johnson who was viewed as coming second, with Trump at the end. At a rally a few days after the results came out with: "the polls are so rigged, they say I lost to Crazy Bernie and Forgetful Johnson, as if, I won all the debates and that Commie and Cook didn't stand a chance," there was rapturous applause. At the VP debate, Gabbard managed to challenge both Pence and Weld for their support of failed Trade agreements, Weld but Pence in his place over LGBT rights, calling out his religious freedom law as a "gross overreaction." At the end of the debate Gabbard and Weld were viewed to have tied, with Pence the loser.
As the results poured after the election, Bernie won more states, votes, and EV's than Obama did in '08, winning 85 million votes. At his victory speech Bernie said that he had run an positive, optimist campaign and was rewarded, he also thanked those who voted for Trump saying that: "we may not agree on policy, but I hope you will give me time to prove to you I am the President you can place your trust in." At his concession speech, Trump calmed his angry crowds saying that: "Bernie won, so lets calm down and give him a chance." Despite Trump's surprising conciliatory tone, protests erupted throughout the country. The protests quickly turned violent with may protestors chanting racist and anti-socialist remarks.


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    2016 US election infobox.jpg
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And yes, the title has no Roman Numerals. Somewhere in the Multiverse, there's a bloody flame war waging between people who use IIII and people who use IV.

Ehh, no. I've literally never seen IIII until now, and even if there are people who use it, that doesn't make it right.
If the argument is somewhere in the multiverse someone calls it IIII, then hell let's cal this "Alternate Orange Peels ¶§" cause, you know, I'm sure someone in some universe calls it that.

(aka I'm with making it just IV :p)
Hubert Humphrey and the Sparkmen from Alabama

The defeat of the Stevenson/Kennedy ticket in 1956 was generally predicted by the vast majority of the pundits, media, and many in the political arena. The ticket itself carried only the states of Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and South Carolina; loosing every other state in the rest of the nation. After the embarrassing defeat in 1956, many Democrats were determined to prevent a repeat in 1960, against the most likely Republican candidate, Vice President Richard M. Nixon.

In 1960 many Democratic politicians and officials threw their hats into the ring, including Kennedy, Stevenson, Senator Stuart Symington of Missouri, Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon, Senator George Smathers of Florida, businessman Paul C. Fisher, and Senator John Sparkman of Alabama. Sparkman, the party's Vice Presidential nominee in 1952 had spent the years prior to the election canvassing and gaining the support of the majority of southern and various western delegations. His main rival for these delegations was Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson. Johnson, initially seen as a strong contender for 1960 was seen to be reluctant to leave his job in Washington, thus proving fatal to any sort of Presidential ambitions that he may have held.

Sparkman while having some name recognition from his 'bid' in 1952 was 'tainted' to an extent due to his signature having been placed on the Southern Manifesto. Sparkman appeared to lack any sort of strength outside of the south, leaving the race to be seen as a fight between Kennedy and Humphrey.

Kennedy won New Hampshire easily and was preparing to repeat this in Wisconsin. The state, which was in 'Humphrey's backyard' was the scene of fierce campaigning between the two; Humphrey' attacks settling on Kennedy's place on the 'embarrassment of '56.' Kennedy fought fiercely despite Humphrey's daunting lead into the polls; gaining ground as the days dwindled down to polling day. Several days before polling the Humphrey campaign received a godsend when Kennedy (a secret sufferer from Addison's Disease) collapsed while campaigning due to not receiving enough steroids to deal with the strain and stress of the campaign (which had occurred before). On polling day the newspapers still had pictures of Senator Kennedy sprawled out of the floor beside a Milwaukee stage. Humphrey carried the state by a narrow margin.

Kennedy still managed to win Illinois with a slender margin, while New Jersey voted overwhelmingly for the Unpledged slate.

Massachusetts and Indiana went for Kennedy, while Pennsylvania went for the Minnesota Senator and Ohio went for her favourite son, Governor Michael DiSalle. Washington D.C. was won by Humphrey while Nebraska was a close victory for Kennedy. In West Virginia, where anti-Catholicism was said to be rife, Sparkman scored a surprising victory over Humphrey and a distantly place Kennedy. Maryland was a slender victory for Sparkman as well; while Oregon went to her favourite son Wayne Morse by a slender margin. Florida was a fight between favourite son & Kennedy ally George Smathers, and Senator Sparkman - Smathers won by a smaller than expected margin. California went for favourite son Governor Pat Brown, while Humphrey won the final primary in South Dakota.

Heading to the convention it was seen to be a close fight between Kennedy and Humphrey, each of whom campaign for the remaining delegates. On the first ballot Kennedy (held on July 13th, the third day of the convention) came close to winning, but was dragged down by good performances by Sparkman and Humphrey. Over the course of the next dozen or so ballots Kennedy's delegate lead fell and was then evaporated behind a surging Humphrey on the 20th ballot; the southern delegates refused to support Humphrey, as did Kennedy delegates. Soon the party bosses, Mayor Daley, union boss George Meany and former New York Secretary of State Carmine DeSapio, were becoming worried at how the convention was becoming a farce in the eyes of many voters. They saw that the only candidate to remain steady was Sparkman. While a southerner who could scare some voters away; he was hardly a Ross Barnett or a Orval Faubus and was rather mellow in comparison. Sparkman himself had been in discussions with the Humphrey campaign at the time, when an offer was made. Sparkman would head a ticket, while Humphrey would be his running mate, and who would have unprecedented say concerning policy of the White House. After a while Sparkman and his team agreed; his tally began to rise rapidly as Humphrey's fell. By the thirtieth ballot Sparkman was nominated by a slender margin in that ballot. Many Kennedy delegates were distraught at this 'crooked deal,' but were pacified when their candidate was allowed to speak, proceeding to give an eloquent endorsement of the ticket (he had been promised a cabinet position of his own choosing - he chose Defence.) Humphrey was nominated on the first Vice Presidential ballot.

The Democratic campaign was aided by the strangely contested Republican convention, though the Rockefeller challenge didn't come too much. Nixon, who nominated Michigan Congressman Gerald Ford as his running mate, saw his campaign plagued by bad luck. Ranging from an offhand joke about his role in the administration by President Eisenhower, which harmed Nixon and undercut his claims of greater involvement in the administration.

Sparkman on the other hand cut a good figure for the foreign policy dominated campaign. Sparkman, a long serving Senate Foreign Relations member, was able to "run circles around Nixon" in the debates, which many considered to be a tie or a slight Sparkman victory (aided by Nixon looking like he had a 'five o'clock shadow' due to not shaving.) Nixon's tendency to campaign in all 50 states, usually in places which he either had no chance or victory, was assured victory, or had little electoral benefit. In comparison Sparkman spent the final days of the campaign in New York, Texas, Ohio, and Illinois.

On election night most important states flipped back and forth between Sparkman and Nixon. Sparkman took an early lead with his near landslide showings in the deep south and victories along the eastern seaboard. New York was too close to call. Florida was called for Sparkman. Virginia was performing better for Nixon than expected. Ohio was too close to call. Michigan had gone for the Republican ticket. Tennessee had swung hard for Sparkman, as had Kentucky. Minnesota had gone for Sparkman and Humphrey. Texas was leaning to Sparkman. Pennsylvania was called for Nixon. Illinois had a good Nixon lead, though Chicago had yet to start counting due to irregularities. New York was called for Sparkman, as was Virginia. New Jersey for Nixon. Ohio fell down in Nixon's favour. The plains regions came in hard for Nixon. Texas was called for Sparkman. California was performing well for Nixon, as the whole of Cascadia was called for him. Delaware for Nixon. Chicago bailed out Sparkman by near landslide margins, though Illinois is still 50:50. Connecticut still unclear, as was Alaska - a predicted Sparkman state (many Nixon's last minute campaigning paid off?) Hawaii voted as expected for Nixon. Connecticut was called for Sparkman; while Illinois was called for Nixon. Alaska was called for Sparkman. Mayor Daley begins a recount in Illinois. Illinois now down to 4,000 votes. Illinois now called for Sparkman. Sparkman is now the President elected of the United States, Vice President Nixon has called him to concede and congratulate him. No recount demanded by Nixon's campaign.

John Sparkman was the 35th President of the United States.

I'm actually surprised nobody here has seen IIII before. It's archaic and extremely rare these days, but it's a popular historical variant. For example, right on the Wikipedia page linked:

Roman inscriptions, especially in official contexts, seem to show a preference for additive forms such as IIII and VIIII instead of (or even as well as) subtractive forms such as IV and IX.
I'm actually surprised nobody here has seen IIII before. It's archaic and extremely rare these days, but it's a popular historical variant. For example, right on the Wikipedia page linked:
Exactly. It is archaic and there is no reason for it to be in this thread's name. It is not contributing at all.
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