Here's a thought, building on the reparations thing: should the USSR put in the work to rid Germany of its payments and be seen as helping to undo the harm of great war debts, it would lead to a massive surge in support for the Communists. Where OTL the Nazis capitalised on this and the great depression to promote their own ideology, here the German Communists can assert that with the Silk Road, reparations help, and even potential economic aid in the Great Depression later on, Communism has been responsible for helping out Germany at every opportunity capitalism has let it down. Even OTL the KPD saw a boost in the depression, just not as great as the NSDAP. ITTL, the reverse xojld happen.
Here's a thought, building on the reparations thing: should the USSR put in the work to rid Germany of its payments and be seen as helping to undo the harm of great war debts, it would lead to a massive surge in support for the Communists. Where OTL the Nazis capitalised on this and the great depression to promote their own ideology, here the German Communists can assert that with the Silk Road, reparations help, and even potential economic aid in the Great Depression later on, Communism has been responsible for helping out Germany at every opportunity capitalism has let it down. Even OTL the KPD saw a boost in the depression, just not as great as the NSDAP. ITTL, the reverse xojld happen.
As long as it supports our socialist comrades, and not the imperialists and the capitalists.
We could target support the Rhineland since it's industrial heartland for Germany and being (somewhat) occupied by Britain, Belgium and France. I think Britain is part of it...
1 2 3 Punch:
1. Support Germany against France with all Rhineland endeavours.
2. Massive propoganda campaign and co-ordinate with KPD, turn disgruntled workers against capitalism.
3. Help organise relief when the great depression hits.
Do this and they'll be begging for the next election to come faster to vote KPD.
We can afford a massive bailout of Germany because if they go socialist, and if we combine fina cial support with political pressure and targeted support for the KPD, the country can be fully integrated into the non-capitalist economy and help both prosper. After all, the same hands are producing the same gizmos using the same resources, the only thing that's crashed is stocks. Getting rid of capitalism in Germany will lift the veil of capitalist poverty and allow the workers to continue as normal, quickly stabilising both itself and the USSR.
I think that by supporting the KPD and non-capitalist economics may lead to a Civil War with the military, conservatives, reactionaies, industrialists and landlords believes that the socialists/communists will destroy their power in the governments and redistribute the land & wealth towards the workers and lower class, empathise on "may"...
I think that by supporting the KPD and non-capitalist economics may lead to a Civil War with the military, conservatives, reactionaies, industrialists and landlords believes that the socialists/communists will destroy their power in the governments and redistribute the land & wealth towards the workers and lower class, empathise on "may"...
That is likely. However, remember that at this time the Allies will be very hesitant to intervene, as the scars of ww1 still remain. It would tank our International reputation but worst case, we may just be able to storm in to help them.
That is likely. However, remember that at this time the Allies will be very hesitant to intervene, as the scars of ww1 still remain. It would tank our International reputation but worst case, we may just be able to storm in to help them.
True but I'd rather not ruin our reputation with the West right away since our industry is somewhat reliant on their produce materials like steel and machinery parts. I don't think Britain would hesitate as they want France, Germany and us to not ruin their "Balance of Power" in Europe since well... it's Britain...

(Not getting into that whole mess...)
Initiative idea: try to reconcile with the syndicalist movement in Europe, prominently the FAUD in germany and CNT in Spain, through establishing or re-establishing and re-structuring the Profintern as a forum for equals to join together rather than an instrument of Soviet domination. This could help unify and strengthen socialist movements in Europe and give us a better base to work with, particularly in Germany, and better relations with the Spanish when we want to help them in the Civil War
Back from holidays and I learned I can't do holidays, partly written new ideas in general, for hobbies and stuff, but also work, half the time spent aiding and resquing local animals, sadly we lost one, trying to still get it back, well and then out of there to a better home, so yeah my holiday was nice and relaxing overall ^^
I thought of an idea, we should do a joint electronics R&D between Eurasian Silk Road members and observers so we aren't behind the West like the US and would help improve our intelligent agency.
Sure, why not.
Here's a thought, building on the reparations thing: should the USSR put in the work to rid Germany of its payments and be seen as helping to undo the harm of great war debts, it would lead to a massive surge in support for the Communists. Where OTL the Nazis capitalised on this and the great depression to promote their own ideology, here the German Communists can assert that with the Silk Road, reparations help, and even potential economic aid in the Great Depression later on, Communism has been responsible for helping out Germany at every opportunity capitalism has let it down. Even OTL the KPD saw a boost in the depression, just not as great as the NSDAP. ITTL, the reverse xojld happen.
Yes, but:
As long as it supports our socialist comrades, and not the imperialists and the capitalists.
I completely agree.
Germany may still be a Weimar capitalist state, but targeted support combined with propoganda operations would result in a massive upswing of communist sentiment in Germany. Fertilizing a dormant seed, if you will.
That is true, so we should focus were to aim our aid.
We could target support the Rhineland since it's industrial heartland for Germany and being (somewhat) occupied by Britain, Belgium and France. I think Britain is part of it...
The Rhineland for example is a fine spot as it is a Socialist and Communist Stronghold, as is much of overall Northern/ Central and Eastern Germany, not so much the real West and Southern regions, or the Northeast (Pommern and East Prussia).
1 2 3 Punch:
1. Support Germany against France with all Rhineland endeavours.
2. Massive propoganda campaign and co-ordinate with KPD, turn disgruntled workers against capitalism.
3. Help organise relief when the great depression hits.
Do this and they'll be begging for the next election to come faster to vote KPD.
That would be overall popular in Germany, but might alienate a few Socialist and Communist friends in France were they are also rather prominent and strong at this time.
We can afford a massive bailout of Germany because if they go socialist, and if we combine fina cial support with political pressure and targeted support for the KPD, the country can be fully integrated into the non-capitalist economy and help both prosper. After all, the same hands are producing the same gizmos using the same resources, the only thing that's crashed is stocks. Getting rid of capitalism in Germany will lift the veil of capitalist poverty and allow the workers to continue as normal, quickly stabilising both itself and the USSR.
The question is also what can Germany give us in compensation long term- modern industries, militaries, instructors and such come to mind to bring ouselves furhter into modern industrial times completely.
I think that by supporting the KPD and non-capitalist economics may lead to a Civil War with the military, conservatives, reactionaies, industrialists and landlords believes that the socialists/communists will destroy their power in the governments and redistribute the land & wealth towards the workers and lower class, empathise on "may"...
That is highly possible as certain parts of Germany would violently and military oppose any true Socialist-Communist takeover, or change of the Weimar Republic.
That is likely. However, remember that at this time the Allies will be very hesitant to intervene, as the scars of ww1 still remain. It would tank our International reputation but worst case, we may just be able to storm in to help them.
Also true, even if just to a limited "volunteer" extent.
True but I'd rather not ruin our reputation with the West right away since our industry is somewhat reliant on their produce materials like steel and machinery parts. I don't think Britain would hesitate as they want France, Germany and us to not ruin their "Balance of Power" in Europe since well... it's Britain...

(Not getting into that whole mess...)
Yeah the West, especialy Britain and France might get nervous about to much direct aid in a German Civil War for the Left-German groups by us.
Initiative idea: try to reconcile with the syndicalist movement in Europe, prominently the FAUD in germany and CNT in Spain, through establishing or re-establishing and re-structuring the Profintern as a forum for equals to join together rather than an instrument of Soviet domination. This could help unify and strengthen socialist movements in Europe and give us a better base to work with, particularly in Germany, and better relations with the Spanish when we want to help them in the Civil War
Yeah, if we can build a broader Syndicalist-Socialist-Communist Coalition across Europe, that might greatly help our ambitions and plans overall.

EDIT: Also new stuff the coming week ;D
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United International Left
United International Left

Under Trotsky's influence the Left-Kuomintang (Left-KMT) and the Communist Chinese Party, as well as other like the China Zhi Gong Party, the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, the China Democratic League, the Chinese Republic Party, the Provincial Democratic Self-Government Party, the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, the Workers and Peasants Liberation Army, the Democratic Party of China, the Union of Chinese Nationalists, the Maoist Communist Part, the Revive China Party, the Chinese Progressive Party, the China Socialist Party, the Chinese Citizen Party, the Oriental Communist Party, the Chinese Labor’s Party, the Chinese People’s Party, the Chinese Social Democratic Party formed a Chinese cooperative coalition inside of the United Chinese People’s Republic. At the same time the British actions in Shanghai were used to convince the Chinese to give the Soviet Union naval access, so that their fleet could help and aid them against further naval aggression of foreign powers. This way Wang’s government could claim new security, but at the same time feared to become to depending on the Soviet Union and the Russians, which some of their Chinese allies heavily opposed at the same time. While being vulnerable to the British and other international global powers, the Propaganda of Wang called for a new coastal protection effort and to build up a modernized navy, never to fall into European and other Colonial and Imperial Powers threatening the Chinese coast, trade and with this secure China. At the same time the Chinese also gained access at Soviet Ports, were their ships were more secure from surprise raids and attacks by their rivals and enemies. The overall Soviet-Chinese goal was to project their combined power across the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean region. At the same time the Soviet Union tried to negotiate in the war reparations between Germany and France, hoping to gain support among Socialist, Communist and other factions of the French and German Populations by doing so. This move was not only meant to further lead to a Berlin-Moscow Alliance, but also to redirect Paris away from London.

Any such agreement however was a very difficult, nearly impossible task but the Locarno Treaty had proven negotiations were possible and the immense German reparations, paid mostly to France and Belgium, not so much also War Devastated Russia, gave the Soviet Union a moral and diplomatic pressure instrument to implement new negotiations. If Russia not Britain would broker such a new agreement, the burden of reparations on the German population while secretly attacking the Locarno Treaty as a hollow British mean to chain Germany. To break Paris out of this agreement they were promised money, certain and valuable frequent payments, while also opening the Eurasian Free Trade Agreement and Block for France as well, connecting it to an economic block of 700 million people that represented roughly 1/3 of all of mankind in the Eurasian Trade Block, making trade tariffs with them lower for Paris and opening up the goods and natural successors of the member states for France to lower prices, while the Soviet Union also promised to pay the Tsarist debts to Paris in exchange for lowering those to Germany and the German People. An achievement that the Soviet Union contributed in parts to the German Socialist and Communist Party members they had invited to these meetings and diplomatic negotiations. At the same time, like the Far-Right Nationalists DNVP and NSDAP also tried to instrumentalist the French occupation of the Ruhr Region (Ruhrkampf) for their political campaigns, so did the Socialists and Communists, who unlike the Far-Right who used violent attacks and even bombings, assassinations and attacks against French Troops, the Left-Wing mainly instrumentalist civil unrest, by no longer working in occupied areas and instead forcing the French to supply the local population with food on their own costs. At the same time a own version of the World’s Fair for Socialist and Communist Nation States of the Eurasian Silk Road was internationally introduced and soon also opened up to Left-Wing Nations, Movements and Parties from not only European, Asia and North America, but also Latin America, Oceania and Africa.

The growing Soviet Union Entertainment Industry in cooperation with the News and Education elements of the state, to cooperate and coordinate them together, ensuing education, news and propaganda grew, first by newspaper and radio, later by television. New colonial towns and colonies across Siberia were also planned and attempted to use greenhouse farming to be more self-sufficient and not so much relying on outside food imports. At the same time the Eurasian Silk Road members began sharing technological and scientific development and secret intelligence information's as well. The German Socialists and Communists began capitalizing on the Silk Road, lowered reparations and a growing economy that would keep them in power in the upcoming 1928 German Federal Election, yes even let them gain some seats before the Great Depression, with the Social Democrat Party 34,67% and the Communists gaining 15,26% for a total of 49,93% who together with the German Farmers Party, the German Agricultural League, the German Pasents and Farmers Party, the German Social Party and the German People’s Party formed a government coalition that had a slight majority. A boost that would only grow during the Great Depression in the later 1930 election. Massive anti-capitalist and anti-imperial propaganda aid for German Socialists and Communists, support in the Rhineland and Ruhr and coordination with the SPD and KPD however also made far-right, industrial and military circles in Germany nervous and conspire with Ludendorf, Hugenberg and Hitler to oppose what they feared could become a left-wing coup by all means necessary. Tensions between Left and Righ Paramilitary Party forces grew and rumors of a Civil War spread especially among military, conservative, reactionary, industrialists and landlords circles who feared their influence and power in government and the nation erode. The German Socialist and Communist were therefore advised to lay down their own aggression and agitation, as to not further escalate the situation and play into the hands of the Far-Right. As a result, the Soviet Union opened up their Socialist and Communist alliance to former Syndicalist and other Far-Left groups and movements to form a united left coalition against such reactionary forces, including the Anarcho-Syndicalist Trade Union that was the Free Association of German Trade Unions (FDVG) which combined with the Ruhr region's Freie Arbeiter Union to the Free Workers' Union of Germany (German: Freie Arbeiter Union Deutschlands; FAUD) and in Spain they encouraged the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT, General Union of Workers), Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (English: National Confederation of Labor; CNT) and Iberian Anarchist Federation (Spanish: Federación Anarquista Ibérica, FAI) to closely work with the Popular Front Government later on.
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I think we should mainly focus on continue to secretly support and supply Central America's partisans since we're already supporting the far left/left leaning parties in Europe and advised them to be more on the peaceful path (minus Spain) instead of being aggressive towards their governments.