World Food Crisis and Indian Subcontinent Wars

While in the United States of America investigations into communism in Hollywood and the overall arts and news with the Un-American Activities Committee the first use of the word computer for an electronic digital machine was used. While the F-86 Sabre jet fighter aircraft takes over it’s first flight a week before the world food crises is talked about in first televised White House address by President Harry S. Truman. At the same time the Division of the Indian Subcontinent, while worked out well on paper saw massive local ethnic and religious unrest, with reports of 20,000 to 500,000 people killed, as well as tenor twenty times or more forcefully replaced from their homes, to be driven into the new nation states were they made up the majority, as many feared them to be a Fifth’s Column inside their own nation states otherwise. The speed of sound is broken by United States Air Force test pilot Captain Chuck Yeager flying a Bell X-1 rocket plane for the first time in human history. As a result of the Indian Subcontinent Massacres war breaks out between the various nation states with border clashes and would continue as a regional conflict becoming known as the Indian Subcontinent Wars from 1947 to 1948. As a result of this nearly all local nation states would establish diplomatic relations with one of the two leading major superpowers, the United States of America and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics to get aid and support by them. As the result of the conflict several more national provincial governments set up in the involved nation states supported by the central governments were nationalist ethnic and religious extremist governments took over in wave of the recent escalations, threatening to even endanger the overall situation further. At the same time the World Trade Organization (WTO), is established with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).
World Food Crisis
A) aid local food production for autonomy of food supplies
B) establish a UN aided food supply globally with aid by organizations like the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
C) redistribute food supplies from regions were larger amounts go to waste
D) Don’t interfere with the crisis

Indian Subcontinent Wars
A) Attempt a diplomatic solution and deescalate the border wars before they turn into true wars in the overall region.
B) Send in Blue Helmets to ensure that the fighting stops.
C) Don’t aid local discriminating and racist governments that had forcefully relocated, or killed parts of their own citizens and population.
D) Let us not interfere with this massive diplomatic mess at all.
World Food Crisis
A) aid local food production for autonomy of food supplies
B) establish a UN aided food supply globally with aid by organizations like the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
C) redistribute food supplies from regions were larger amounts go to waste
D) Don’t interfere with the crisis
B and C - those areas which can help the most contribute the most.
Indian Subcontinent Wars
A) Attempt a diplomatic solution and deescalate the border wars before they turn into true wars in the overall region.
B) Send in Blue Helmets to ensure that the fighting stops.
C) Don’t aid local discriminating and racist governments that had forcefully relocated, or killed parts of their own citizens and population.
D) Let us not interfere with this massive diplomatic mess at all.
A, moving to B if the fighting gets worse.

Also, do C as much as possible.
1. B) establish a UN aided food supply globally with aid by organizations like the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)

Indian Subcontinent Wars
A) Attempt a diplomatic solution and deescalate the border wars before they turn into true wars in the overall region.
World Food Crisis: A & B. C to a limited extent such as offering companies and people to donate food products that they can't sell for a reimbursement.
To make it clear: B for the immediate famine problem, A to avoid crashing their farming industry (example: that time we donated so much clothing to a African country we destroyed their textile industry). We can roll long-term programs into CARE to aid this (Mechanization efforts, modern farming techniques, supplying fertilizer).

Indian Subcontinent Wars: B & C. People are dying NOW, we can't afford to talk things out when lives are on the line. We can use food aid as the carrot to get them to cooperate with us (why I also selected C ).


B) Establishing a UN aided global food supply will help in the current crises and hopefully ensure we're better set up for handling future famines and other crises.

B) While attempting a diplomatic solution would be the ideal, we need to ensure the fighting stops as people are currently dying and the situation could further escalate.
World Food Crisis
A) aid local food production for autonomy of food supplies
B) establish a UN aided food supply globally with aid by organizations like the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE)
C) redistribute food supplies from regions were larger amounts go to waste

Indian Subcontinent Wars
A) Attempt a diplomatic solution and deescalate the border wars before they turn into true wars in the overall region.
B) Send in Blue Helmets to ensure that the fighting stops.
C) Don’t aid local discriminating and racist governments that had forcefully relocated, or killed parts of their own citizens and population.
honestly i would go with a mix of a b and c for all or the above

also make sure our blue helms come from both sieds of the iorn curtian
French Communist Riots

In the World Food Crisis the United Nations agreed that they needed to support local food supply and aid locals to be more autonomous in their overall food supply whenever possible. At the same time the Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE) was implemented by the United Nations to archive a better global food supply around the world and to redistribute food supplies from regions who had a larger amount of them, bought to a fairly prize by the United Nations. At the same time the Indian Subcontinent Wars were hoped to be ended trough diplomatic solutions in hope this would deescalate things between the combating nation states, ethnic and religious groups. To ensure the massacres and fighting's enced, Blue Helmet troops were send into the region to stop the fighting and especially al atrocities and crimes against unarmed civilians, one of the largest United Nations Blue Helmet missions yet. Those local ethnic, religious and national government groups and forces that discriminated and were racist against their local minorities and forcefully relocated, or annihilated their own citizens and populations were not aided against their enemies by the United Nations, resulting them in taking larger losses. The Hindian Army captures the city of Junagadh, while in France the arrest of four steel workers causes a French Communsit riot that spread even to Paris. Another United Nations agencies, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Universal Postal Union (UPU) are formed and begin operating. In Belgium’s capital Brussels around 15,000 demonstrate against the short imprisonment sentences of Belgian Nazi criminals and collaborates, while British troops leave Palestine and Transjordania.

In the United States the Screen Actors Guild implements an anti-Communist loyalty oath to oppose any claims of Socialists and Communists infiltrating Hollywood and other Movie and Radio industries to implement propaganda against the United States from within as some claim during the Red Scare. In Britain Princess Elisabeth and Philip Montbatten, Duke of Edinburg marry, with the daughter of Geroge VI later becoming Elisabeth II. To deal with the communist riots in France, the new French Prime Minister Robert Schuman, following Paul Ramadier orders 80,000 army reservist to crack down the rioting miners.In Havanna the Havana Charter is established after the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment held in Havana. The United States House of Representatices votes 346 to 17 to oppose the so called Hollywood Ten, as screenwriters and directors are accused of spreading communist influence in the movie business, leading to all ten becoming blacklisted in Hollywood movie studios the next day. In New Zealand the Parliament supports the Statute of Westminster ensuring their independence from the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Meanwhile in South India, the Pakistanis and Pashtun Mercenaries overrun Mirpur and killing 20,000 Hindus and Sikhs, as the opposing but heavily outnumbered Blue Helmet Forces despite heavy fighting against the Pakistani and Pashtun forces, resulting in 38 dead Blue Helmets and 30 dead Pakistani and Pashtun soldiers have to retreat. As a result of the riots in France, the Police occupies the communist newspaper offices and shuts them all down for good, forcing many underground and angering their recently grown voter base. In the United Nations Partition Plan for Transjordania it is discussed if Transjordania should as a former Mandate be truly divided between an Arab and Jewish region to create the State of Israel after the Holocaust.
Our forces in South Asia need some time to arrive in large enough numbers to stop the local massacres and conflicts.

As for Transjordania:
A) Create a Jewish State in Transjordania.
B) Create a Arab State in Transjordania.
C) Create a shared Union State between both.
D) Divide Transjordania in a Arab and jewish State (if this gets voted we will get a couple of division maps to choose in furhter detail from).
Our forces in South Asia need some time to arrive in large enough numbers to stop the local massacres and conflicts.

As for Transjordania:
A) Create a Jewish State in Transjordania.
B) Create a Arab State in Transjordania.
C) Create a shared Union State between both.
D) Divide Transjordania in a Arab and jewish State (if this gets voted we will get a couple of division maps to choose in furhter detail from).
D) Divide Transjordania in a Arab and jewish State (if this gets voted we will get a couple of division maps to choose in furhter detail from).
C) I'd prefer if we kept them united as to counter the growing Ba’ath Party and to not have the war between the Jewish and Arab states.

*Also I think we should have a sort of vote on France's crackdown on the communist party.
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