WIP Map Thread

Alas I have competition!
I mean, i remembered that mockumentary existed because of your post, and i wanted to do a althist of it (aka if new england + upstate new york seceded sometime in the late 1890s when the tax on nonslaveowners was put into place, and won due to britain),
I'm working with a new technique for reprojecting renaissance era maps into plate caree...
(southwest quadrant has not yet been processed; latitude lines are every 10°; longitude lines are every 15°)
Paulo Fortani 1570 cropped_modified_reduced.jpg
On the topic of fantasy maps set in the real world here's another big project I started
Here's a map I started with a friend.
This is just references and isn't exactly a wip so much as it is a place to throw ideas at until we figure out how to stay properly organized
This started when I saw the timezone ISOT series and saw the one for UTC +05:00 and I thought it covered a great range of everything.
Orthodox Christianity, Sunni Islam, with minorities of Hinduism, Sikhism, Shia Islam, and assorted Christianities. Culturally this world starts off ranging from the Indus through Central Asia to Central Russia, and linguistically this world has Russian, Urdu, and the assorted central asian languages.
When I first saw that map I thought "wow that would make an amazing fantasy map setting" and here is me trying to make a fantasy world map.
I have also included the Russian oblast of Ashtrakhan and the island of Socotra just for the hell of it, and there's markers denoting where large ruins are, where large giant populations are, and where merfolk populations are. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask I suppose. Anyone have any arctic magical beast ideas? I can't really think of any.
I don't know man...


Just playing around, really. The idea so far is that we have Nova Ukrayina in "Alaska", an independent ethnically Ukrainian state that broke away from Russia. Then of course there's the United Kingdom (of America, Australia, New Zealand, the Lesser and Greater Antilles, and other territories), the Republic of Mexico (post-imperial), and as different a South America as I could muster (the Argentina situation is more 'modern history' and resulting from an alternate Falklands War between the UK and Argentina, which Chile and Paraguay jumped all over). Ignore Spanish Orinoco for now (the concept will remain but the borders will change) and Guyana (I thought it was more realistic for the UK to have grabbed all of it, but looking at it I'd rather split it up).

Oh, and that is an independent Republic of Canada (Francophone, fairly conservative). I might add more internal borders around the place, because it looks kind of empty without them, but I might not because I hate drawing internal borders with a passion. We'll see.

I've done part of Europe, too, but I'm not sharing that yet. It includes a Republic of England-Wales.
Map of Europe and the Middle East in 1640 in From the Footnotes to the Centre. Will add key and notes once the Polynesia map is done.

(You can find REALLY REALLY old versions of this map on page 258)
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More of the alt-Scramble for Africa. Suggestions for alternate colony names are accepted; I'm somewhat diverging from the original map to make Liberia an independent nation.
I think it would make more sense if British Angola was called British Congo instead, given that the Kingdom of Kongo was located entirely within that region.
I changed that; I've also renamed "Ghana" to Upper Volta after realizing that it's in the proper place, is a French colony, and occupies much of OTL Burkina Faso.

I'm trying to make the most cliche AH map possoble. Including the CSA, Quebec, New England, communist Midwest, Texas, Vinland, American Greenland and Iceland, Nazis, Poland-Lithuania, federalised Austria-Hungary, a new Roman Empire, the USSR, the Draka, and the Tsalal. Any suggestions? Also, does anoyne hane the Treaty of Sevres or Deseret in WorldA?
View attachment 725916
I'm trying to make the most cliche AH map possoble. Including the CSA, Quebec, New England, communist Midwest, Texas, Vinland, American Greenland and Iceland, Nazis, Poland-Lithuania, federalised Austria-Hungary, a new Roman Empire, the USSR, the Draka, and the Tsalal. Any suggestions? Also, does anoyne hane the Treaty of Sevres or Deseret in WorldA?
Utah will suffice for that.

Other suggestions:
  • Cascadia in British Columbia / Washington / Oregon.
  • The US takes Baja California (and sometimes Sonora).
  • Yucatan is independent.
  • Scotland is independent, and Ireland is unified.
  • Scandinavia is unified.
  • Spain has Galicia, Basque, and Catalonia secede.
  • Same happens to France with Occitania, Normandy, and Brittany breaking away.
  • The East African Federation, although usually for future scenarios.
  • China breaks apart. Tibet and Xinjiang are independent. Manchuria is sometimes included in the mix, but not always. Inner Mongolia goes to Mongolia.